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Adante: a Portal Psyne, member of the Venvian, one of Atargatis’s inner circle, black hair/blue eyes
Aquarian: a human born under the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, works with Psyne aquatars
Aquatar: a Psyne assigned to work on land or in the ocean for the betterment of life on the planet
Arman Altieri: formerly known as Phaedrus, wealthy business man and sorcerer
Artemonas: name of cliffs on ancient Greek island of Merope where Ilauria first met Phaedrus
Atargatis: an Ancient, leader of the Venvian Psyne, former member of the Council, black hair/lt blue eyes
Auxalis: the pearl-sized egg that develops into a fully mature Psyne through asexual reproduction
Bahree: Psyne who are members of the Council’s secret police ordered to hunt down defectors
Defector: a Psyne who falls in love with a human and chooses to become human permanently
Duncan Rhodes: the Aquarian assigned to the aquatar, Meridian
Fahvara: a shell that makes up the Council’s white thrones and also comes in pink and lavender
Gavin Foster: wealthy billionaire and a future Aquarian
Hunyx: a manta ray-like creature that dwells in the oceans of Tauri-Psyne and possesses five tails
Hyperlum: a castle-like structure floating in the sky over the oceans of Tauri-Psyne
Ilauria: a land aquatar in search of Meridian and other missing Psyne on Earth, curly red hair/green eyes
Jagger DeMott: a member of Arman Altieri’s personal security
Joining, the: a linking of Psyne minds in order to relay information quickly
Kastro: modern day town on the Greek island of Sifnos, home of Arman Altieri’s fortress
Kehtai: the derogatory term Venvians use to describe Psyne who are loyal to the Council
Luminaea: the intricate, scrolling design on every female Psyne’s back, the source of their magic
Meridian: Duncan Rhodes’ assigned aquatar and Shivan’s former student who goes missing on Earth
Merope: the ancient Greek island where Ilauria first met Phaedrus
Murex: glittering shells hanging in the Council’s chambers that emanate golden light
Nessa: the twelve-year-old niece of the Aquarian, Duncan Rhodes
Phaedrus: the ancient Greek man Ilauria loved in 295 BCE
Portal Psyne: Psyne with the rare ability to open portals to other planets
Psyne: a magical race of mermaids with the ability to shape-shift to human and animal forms
Search Spell: a magical spell requiring three Psyne in order to work
Seer: a Psyne with the ability to receive premonitions, they routinely aid aquatars before a mission
Sefo: a type of rock on Tauri-Psyne that is similar to white quartz
Senlah: one of the missing Psyne, a Bahree killed by Fury during captivity
Shivan: close friend of Ilauria, mentor to Meridian, member of the Bahree, blonde/light green eyes
Sifnos: modern day name of the ancient island Merope
Silara: a small, fictional town on the coast of California where Gavin and Duncan live
Tauri-Psyne: current home world of the Psyne people
Thomas Mitchell: human linked to Meridian, volunteers at the Silara Aquarium
Transformation Spell: Bahree conversion spell to transform a Psyne-turned-human back to Psyne
Treese: a satellite planet marbled tan, orange and blue revolving around Tauri-Psyne
Vahjra Child: a legendary human child who houses the essence of a mortally wounded Psyne
Venvian: a radical sect of Psyne under the leadership of Atargatis
Zenethen: a blue energy sphere the Psyne derive nourishment from, stronger than the sun
Ziryll: a missing Psyne, the aquatar assigned to Quinn Collins (strawberry blonde hair/orange tail)