
Click each word to hear its pronunciation
Aureate: the spell Atargatis and the Council used to alter the memories of their offspring
Ahlria: a secret sect of Seers who believe a Trinity will free their people with the help of the Vahjra Child
Ancient, the: the first to be exiled on Dervitika, dark blonde hair w/white streaks/vivid green eyes
Belanis: the defector in charge of Ilauria’s hatchery assignments on exile, dark brown hair/pale green eyes
Chronicle: a type of Joining where one Psyne takes on the memories of another
Cryspana: a well-known beach on Tauri-Psyne
Dallion: a male Psyne, Traxis’s best friend, possesses cloaking ability
Dayanara: one of Atargatis’s inner circle, brown ripple-textured hair/violet eyes
Deltis: the Bahree who surpassed Shivan in number of defectors brought in per century
Dymaris: one of the rescued Bahree, suspicious of Shivan, hazel eyes/mahogany hair
Ezaria: one of Atargatis’s inner circle, her secret Seer, green eyes/light brown hair
Fulterra: a Bahree who works for Atargatis, has to restore the two human Venvian
Granith: a planet Rydicent refers to when speaking with Shivan about two defectors sentenced to death
Hemera: Phaedrus’s wife of two years who died of plague along with their infant son
Incapacitator spell: a blast of magic from a Bahree
Jessica DeMaia: Gavin’s ex-girlfriend, looks like Adante, black hair/blue eyes
Kyanite: one of the two male Ancient Psyne stranded on Murkasia, black hair/green eyes
Linnaeus: an Ahlria Seer on Aquarian acclimation duty, honey-colored hair/aquamarine eyes
Lysannah: means ‘unifier’, the name Ilauria was given by the Original Vahjra Child
Marahket: mentor to Ilauria
Marinte: a Venvian and one of Atargatis’s inner circle
Medochin: one of the two Ancient male Psyne stranded on Murkasia, green hair/hazel eyes
Merylis: a Bahree on exile who helped Ilauria & Traxis leave Dervitika
Murkasia: the planet the male Psyne were exiled on
Na-teale: an advanced humanoid race who created the Dervitika dome, Aquatarius and the hyperlums
Oraelian: a magical aquatic plant with wide petals which helps nourish a developing auxalis
Pelandra: one of the rescued Bahree, suspicious of Shivan, platinum blonde/light blue eyes
Rydicent: a Bahree who takes custody of Ilauria when Shivan brings her to exile
Sabrina: Gavin’s interior designer cousin who decorated the inside of the Dolphin Institute
Sea light: a golden flame that exists in the Opal Sea on Tauri-Psyne
Sheldihte Mezzanine: private rooms the Council uses during festivals in the Grand Hall
Shezarian Sea: a body of water on Tauri-Psyne that contains the deepest point on the planet, Opal’s Point
Siairalus: the head Councilor, whom Atargatis hates almost as much as humans
Spheera: Bahree/mentor who has had sixty pupils turn up as defectors
Sydnatian: a Venvian and one of Atargatis’s inner circle
Teshyn: a defector Ilauria had known well as a young Psyne, orange red hair/light blue eyes
Tourmaline: the sanctuary planet eighty Psyne fled to from their home world
Traxis: a male Psyne who has invisibility, aka: the Ethereal of Dervitika, blue hair/blue eyes
Tynara bead: a cobalt glass sphere which can break Psyne spells
Varus: a Bahree who processes new defectors on exile and curbs their magic much like a Fury dead zone